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Lentil Sprouting Seeds

Lentils are bushy annual plants that are part of the legume family. They are said to have originated in the Middle East or Southeast Asia during the Neolithic period. Believed to be one of the first agricultural crops, they grow well in all the limited rainfall areas of the world. Half the world’s production comes from India, but Canada is the world’s largest exporter of lentils.

PARTS USED: The seeds can be eaten raw, or as sprouts, or used in salads.

CONSTITUENTS: The protein content level of lentil seeds ranges from 22-35%, making it the third highest plant-based food after soy and hemp. They have high levels of several amino acids, and are one of the best plant-based sources for iron.

TYPICAL PREPARATION: You will need to soak the seeds for 8-14 hours, but they will sprout within 1-2 days. They should be rinsed at least every 12 hours to prevent mold from growing. The seeds should be refrigerated after sprouting.

Lentil Sprouting Seeds

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