Damiana (Turnera aphrodisiaca) was called “mizib-coc” by the Mayans of the Yucatan region in Latin America; the word means ‘plant for asthma’ and was used by the Maya Indians for pulmonary (lung) disorders, dizziness, vertigo (imbalance) and as a general body cleanser. The herb’s reputation for arousing sexual desire is noted by the second part of its botanical name, ‘aphrodisiaca.’ Damiana is known as a sexual rejuvenator in those experiencing a loss of vitality of the sexual organs and has been recommended for increasing the sperm count in men. For women, it has been found to strengthen the reproductive organs and help with menopause, by controlling and reducing hot flashes. It is one of herbs of choice for helping with sexual impotency and infertility in both males and females. Damiana is also a laxative for children. It has been used in cough preparations, as it helps to relieve cold and flu symptoms and is a stimulant for the Central Nervous System.
Primary Uses: Here are a few of the ailments Damiana can provide relief for: Aphrodisiac, Energy, Emphysema, Estrogen (low) Female Problems, Frigidity/Impotency, Hormone Balancer (male and female), Hot Flashes, Infertility, PMS/Menopause, Parkinson’s Disease, Prostate (inflammation of), Reproductive Organs.