Angelica (Angelica atropurpurea) aka - Wild Archangel, MasterwortPLEASE NOTE: Not to be taken if pregnant and also should not be taken when you’re having excessive bleeding.Angelica was used as a cure for the plague in medieval Europe because of its blood-purifying abilities. Angelica is often used to treat problems of the digestive system, such as poor digestion, heartburn, gas, colic, ulcers, and stomach cramps, by aiding stomach, spleen, and intestinal functions. It is also used for toothaches, wounds, fevers, nervous headaches, backaches, and general weakness. It is used for chronic bronchitis, asthma, lymphatic and prostate disorders, rheumatism, arthritis, and menstrual symptoms. Modern scientific research has found Angelica helps stimulate and strengthen the immune system and relaxes the nervous system, improving one’s mental state. It has also successfully been used to treat those suffering from nervous exhaustion.Primary uses: Here are just a few of the maladies Angelica may provide relief from: • Appetite (loss)• Bronchial Problems• Colic • Exhaustion• Heartburn/Gas• Digestive Imbalances• Menstruation Issues• Rheumatism• Blood Impurities
- Properties: Alterative, Anti-periodic, Blood Purifier, Carminative, Diaphoretic, Emmenagogue, Stimulant Primary nutrients: Calcium, Vitamins E and B12 PLEASE NOTE: Not to be taken if pregnant and also should not be taken when you’re having excessive bleeding.